Guaranteed Payday Loans
Ok, I know what you’re thinking; “Guaranteed payday loans? No way, those all have to be scams. No way would someone give ME a loan!” Sadly, there are a lot of guaranteed payday loan scams going around, so skepticism is understandable. However, if you know how to avoid the scams that are out there surrounding guaranteed payday loans; you can find one that is actually legitimate. Following some simple steps will help you steer clear of guaranteed payday loan scams.
The first step is this; check out the company thoroughly before you get the loan from them. If it is a legitimate company, then the guaranteed payday loans they offer will also be legitimate. If it is just an individual or a company that seems to have popped up out of nowhere and has no satisfied customers, then it is a scam. Do not be afraid to check out several guaranteed payday loan companies to see who will give you the best rates.
The second step is simply this; use your common sense. You know the old saying about “If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.” This is true of guaranteed payday loans; people offering three thousand dollars and telling you that you only need to pay back two thousand, as long as you give them your bank account number, social security number, date of birth, mother’s maiden name, and on and on, are only trying to steal your identity. It stands to reason that if you get a legitimate guaranteed payday loan, that you will have to pay back the entire loan, not just part of it. That’s the common sense part.
Thirdly, most legitimate guaranteed payday loan companies will not charge a high application or processing fee; the fees that real companies charge will be low. If you see overly high application and processing fees, don’t take the loan from them. You’ll pay the fee and then never get the loan or even hear from them again. There are many legitimate companies online that can get you your money fast.
The fourth step is to look for the Community Financial Services Association (CFSA) seal; whether at the building where you go to get the guaranteed payday loan, or on the website. If you do not see this seal, then the company is probably not legitimate. The CFSA is in charge of making sure financial loan companies follow specific lending practices, and any company not certified or accredited by the CFSA is not a company that you should trust to give you the guaranteed payday loans that you’re looking for.

The final step to checking if the company is legitimate or not is to look online for “rip off” reports; a company that is not legitimate will probably have tons of them. Review sites can also be very helpful, because so many people nowadays will post their reviews, whether positive or negative, because they can do so anonymously, while at the same time helping people to avoid rip offs and scams. Do lots of research before you take any guaranteed payday loans from any company. Don’t get sucked into the scams, or you’ll just get deeper into debt, or your identity stolen.
When you’re a child, getting money is easy. Your parents, older brothers or great aunts will gladly hand you a few bucks when you ask for it. No work is needed – except if you’re getting money from chores but that doesn’t really count. When you start working for your money, that’s when you realize just how valuable your money actually is.
Often, it isn’t getting money that’s hard – it’s learning how not to spend it all before the next paycheck comes. Although you might budget your income as well as you can, some of us aren’t always successful. Sometimes we hit a financial low where we can barely pay for our families’ basic needs like food, rent and medicines. This is why $500 guaranteed payday loans are so popular.
What Exactly Is A $500 Payday Loan
A $500 payday loan is a quick and convenient way to get money. Payday loans are just short-term loans that allow you to borrow a small amount that you will pay off upon receiving your next paycheck.
You can find a local loan outlet that offers short term payday loans right in your town. Better yet, you can simply go online to find a company that offers payday loans. However, be wary of frauds and scammers that just want access to your bank account or personal information. It would be better if you’d ask your peers or relatives to see if they’ve tried any online payday loan outlets that seem to render good service. You can also check out websites that list guaranteed payday loan companies together with their reviews and testimonies from past customers. The more reputable the company, the safer you will be. Also check to see what their rates are. Interest rates and additional fees vary from company to company. You’ll want to make sure that you get the most affordable deal from the best company possible.
Who Can Get Guaranteed Payday Loans
Just about anyone over the age of 18 can get guaranteed payday loans! It’s actually pretty hard to get turned down for one. For one, you don’t need many requirements – just your valid ID, bank account, a recent paycheck, and maybe copies of your household utility bills. Some companies also require you to cite a few references with their phone numbers. And of course, you’ll need to be employed to get a payday loan (which is why it’s called payday loan in the first place). Just a tip – don’t forget to inform those you’ve listed down as references or they might think it’s some sort of scam.
Another advantage is that payday loan companies don’t conduct full credit checks because of the short time period involved. Some companies even offer faxless payday loans without any kind of credit check. This is great news for those who have bad credit!
Why Would I Need A $500 Fast Cash Loan
Five hundred dollars isn’t an enormous amount but it can be a lifesaver when you’re short $100 on your electrical bill and you still need to pay for that $350 dental check up and your $50 monthly parking fee. See what I mean? A $500 guaranteed payday loan is exactly what you’d need if you ever need money to pay your bills.
For others, $500 covers just enough of their unexpected monetary needs. It could be that someone in your family got ill this month or that your trusty old car suddenly broke down in the middle of the road when you still need to get yourself to work. Emergencies don’t give out any warning – they just happen. This is why most people have an additional account for emergencies. But what if things start happening one after another? You do have some money, but it won’t be enough to cover everything. In this case, even just $500 could be enough to keep you going.
Fast Cash Loan Alternatives
When you’re in a financial crisis, you don’t have many options. This is the harsh reality especially if you don’t have tons of rich friends or relatives to let you borrow money or a generous boss who agrees to give you an advance on your paycheck. It’s either you get a loan or you pawn (or sell) some of your things. Among these two options, you might find that guaranteed payday loans are the better option because there’s no risk of losing a precious heirloom or diamond ring if you don’t pay on time.
Payday Loan Costs
When you think about it, $500 isn’t cheap but it’s fairly easy to get. The kicker here is the interest rate. Expect that guaranteed payday loans will have higher interest rates compared to regular ones. Try to find a reliable lender with low interest rates and additional charges for overdue loans. Also, determine if you really need to whole $500. If you’re fine with $250, then see if you can borrow just that amount so you won’t have to pay interest on $500.
Money, for most people, is one of the greatest sources of stress there is. But, there are more things to worry about than money. You don’t have to spend all night thinking of how you’re going to pay off your debts when a small loan worth $500 could save your butt. Even with a high interest rate, the price will seem negligible if you’re able to eat again without adding up the meal’s price in your head. When you think about it, it is just a great load off your mind leaving you free to do more important things (like sleep).
As long as you can properly manage paying off your guaranteed payday loan, you’ll be free and clear of your debts in the blink of an eye. Simply look for a reputable lender with the lowest interest possible and make sure you can pay on time. Avoid borrowing money to pay for your loan, since this will just add to your debt. Instead, budget your earnings according to your needs. A wise money-manager is better than a rich over-spender.