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What Are Payday Loans

What Are Payday Loans

What Are Cash Advance Loans

Payday loans are short-term and high-interest monetary loans that a person can use to cover expenses (usually in the case of an emergency) until his next payday. Also known as “paycheck advance,” this type of loan is particularly useful for those who live paycheck to paycheck, so to speak, who have little or no savings to cover any untoward accidents or emergencies. The process of acquiring a payday loan is relatively simple compared to other loans; however, the drawback is that the interest is much higher.
To qualify for a payday loan, the borrower must present any valid identification with his or her photo, and a proof of income such as previous paychecks or pay stubs. Lenders do not usually conduct full credit checks on those asking for payday loans. This is because credit checks take up much time and many peoples’ reasons for availing of payday loans are usually because of financial crises. Since this poses a risk on the side of the lender, interest rates tend to be significantly higher. Also, more customers are willing to pay high interest rates during emergency cases. In an attempt to ensure on-time payment, the lender may require the borrower to write a personal check in advance before presenting the borrower with his monetary loan. Loans are usually given out in cash.

How Does A Fast Cash Loan Work

Typically, the full amount is paid upon the borrower’s next payday. However if the borrower is unable to pay, the lender may at the very best case scenario extend or roll the debt over, meaning they will renew the agreement made between the debtor and the creditor.
Financial experts do not recommend the regular practice of getting a payday loan. One reason is that since the loans are very short-term, the annual percentage rate (APR) can reach up to 500%. Most people may see payday loans simply as an expensive source of emergency funds, but the risk comes from not being able to pay off your debt. Payday loans that roll over three or more times can garner an interest equal to or even more than the original amount of the loan.
All things considered, payday loans are a convenient yet expensive means of getting instant funds when you need them. However, if you find yourself in a financially tricky situation, do not keep yourself confined to the idea that payday loans are the only means of quickly getting money. It is wise to consider alternatives such as borrowing from relatives or friends who are willing to help (and paying them back as soon as possible, of course). And if you do opt to apply for a payday loan, make sure that you read and understand all the lenders’ policies and contracts before you sign anything. And most importantly, make sure that you can really pay off your debts when they are due because it won’t just be your hard-earned salary on the line – you might also get a bad record from the borrower that you’ll have a hard time trying to make up for.

Comments :

Unknown said... on 

Easy approval of loan is what payday loan promised and I am glad to say that this is indeed true. Personally, if I were to choose between bank loan or payday loan, I'll choose payday loan. Why payday loan? Because, payday loan is just a short-term loan plus payday loan offers a lesser interest than a bank loan. Getting a payday loan is a hassle free way too to borrow money since it doesn't require a good credit score. You can read more here.

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